I wanted to award the guy some gold, but he was only a single traveler from a different server. However, it was a wonderful and WOW TBC Gold intense experience.
I like to run low on my highly high-powered tank just to assist newer or less experienced users get quick gear. It's not a huge amount, but it must feel good to be the sole person in the group finder.
Between wotlk/cata I met 2 of my closest online friends while lvling alts, we played a lot of alt lvling games together and we had fun playing low level PVP to. While we played less WoW, we came back for the occasional onset of exspansions or two. We now engage in all sorts of fun games with each other. Regardless of the current state of games, I will forever be grateful to WoW for giving me two 10+ years of buddies to talk to cheap WOW Classic TBC Gold and game.So I've played Retail WoW before but not played WoW Classic. My knowledge of WoW Classic is that it is the game as it was released several years ago and then TBC several years later.
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